Category Archives: Business Insights

What Will be 2022’s Top Marketing Trends? Here’s Our Predictions

At LuckyTamm Digital Marketing, we’re constantly tracking trends, delving into research, and running focus groups. [...]

The Importance of Community over Competition

In today’s business environment, companies are striving to get ahead. But what if getting ahead [...]

Putting the Human Back in Social Media

How can we return to building brands — and their social media platforms — around [...]

The Value of Servant Leadership in a Marketing Agency

James M. Strock writes, “Twenty-first-century leadership relationship dynamics are from the bottom up rather than [...]

Finding the Right Social Media Platforms for Your Business

Savvy business owners know social media is integral to sales. Around three-quarters of people use [...]

The New Meeting Etiquette: 7 Pro Tips for Making the Most of Them

Meetings are an ever-present—and growing—part of the workday. They are an essential tool for management [...]

5 Ways the Pandemic Changed the Workplace

COVID-19 upended the way the world does business. Many businesses that focused on in-person sales, [...]

The Buyer’s Journey and Why it’s Important

In today’s buying environment, customers shy away from being cultivated as sales prospects, watching demos, [...]

6 Holiday Season Marketing Tips

The holidays are the most wonderful time of year—particularly for business. The National Retail Federation [...]

Communication Amid the Pandemic | GIFs, Memojis, and More

Communication amid the pandemic means businesses are relying on technology to communicate as they never [...]